

With a Groton education, you will think critically, speak and write clearly, reason quantitatively, and learn to understand the experiences of others.
You will better understand the world today through the study of ancient civilizations. You will benefit from the STEM approaches infused throughout math and science classes. And you will nourish your intellect with time-tested fundamentals, such as Latin.

Even more than that—you will learn to distinguish the germane from the trivial and right from wrong. As a Groton student, you will analyze, problem-solve, and leave the Circle prepared for, in the words of school founder Endicott Peabody, “the active work of life.”

View the course catalog.

Course Departments

List of 2 items.

  • Second and Third Formers

    Eighth and ninth graders (Second and Third Formers) are immersed in the basic disciplines. Second Formers will take English, math, science, Latin, a World Language (Chinese, French, or Spanish), and art (one term each of Steel Drums, visual art, and theater). Studying a classical language helps students analyze carefully and synthesize information—foundational skills that they will find useful in every class.

    Third Formers take English, math, one language, art, and then choose two from science, Foundations of Global History, and a second language. All incoming Third Formers take Latin. Art choices include visual art, theater, shop, music lessons, Choir, Chamber Orchestra, or Jazz Ensemble.
  • Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Formers

    Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth graders (Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Formers) have room for electives. Besides numerous math, science, and computer science alternatives, electives might include history courses, such as Power and Politics: Dictators and Democrats, or Tigers, Elephants, and Cell Phones: Modern India. You might opt for an English elective on Jane Austen, or Literature of Resistance and Resilience, or Reading Film. Want to study a topic that’s not offered? Groton students can plan one-on-one tutorials with faculty in subjects of their choice.
To build your strong foundation for future learning, Groton requires the following:

Second Form (8th Grade)

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • French, Spanish, or Chinese
  • Latin
  • Science
  • Arts

Third Form (9th grade)

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Latin, for incoming Third Formers
  • A choice of French, Spanish, Chinese, or Latin for returning Third Formers
  • Two of the following:
    • Biology or Ecology
    • Foundations of Global History
    • A second language
  • Arts (music, studio art, theater, or woodshop)

Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Forms (10th, 11th, and 12th grades)

  • English through Expository Writing (taken in fall of Sixth Form)
  • Mathematics through trigonometry (the first term of precalculus) or through Fifth Form, whichever comes later
  • Three years of a language (Latin I, in Second or Third Form, and two years of another language or through Latin 3)
  • Modern Global History, U.S. History
  • One year of lab science (two years for returning students who did not take a science in third form)
  • Ethics or another option in the Religious Studies and Philosophy Department
  • A year of arts (music, studio art, theater, or woodshop)
Many courses prepare students for Advanced Placement exams, including some not designated AP.
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